Salomon Marquez Site



Salomon is a highly accomplished Senior Technical Writer with a Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering. He has more than 10 years of experience in academic writing and over 4 years in technical writing for the software industry. His technical background allows him to explain complex concepts in a more understandable way for different audiences.

As a Senior Technical Writer, Salomon has played multiple roles as a consultant, technical lead, mentor, hiring interviewer, and open-source contributor. He has collaborated on a wide range of projects related to dating, financial technologies, and video streaming platforms, producing various types of documentation such as API documentation, architecture guides, developer guides, onboarding guides, user manuals, concept guides, glossaries, and READMEs. Salomon thrives on working on challenging projects that allow him to learn new technologies and establish collaborative work strategies among stakeholders, developers, and other technical writers.

Salomon is passionate about cloud computing, AI-assisted tools, and data engineering, and always stays up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in these fields. You can learn more about Salomon and his portfolio of work at


Core skills

  • Information architecture
  • AWS and GCP practitioner
  • Content design and development
  • Data Engineer practitioner
  • Open source documentation


  • API documentation
  • Software architecture guides
  • Sequence diagrams
  • Developer guides
  • User guides
  • Developer guides
  • Technical specifications
  • Static Sites
  • Getting started and onboarding guides
  • Glossaries


  • JIRA
  • Confluence
  • Git
  • Swagger
  • Markdown
  • Postman
  • Jupyter notebooks
  • MySQL
  • Text editors
  • MS Office


  • Video streaming services
    Integration of a streaming platform into STB devices. I created how-to guides that helped newcomers configure their devices and routers. I also supported the quality testing team and carried out project management tasks. The development team worked with JavaScript, RESTful APIs, and AWS Athena.

  • Financial services
    Migration of a legacy-based financial system into a microservice-based architecture. I created how-to guides that helped developers to connect to databases, monitor resources, manage parameters, deploy applications using Octopus, and query data using AWS Athena. I produced glossaries, policies, and user guides and implemented a Docs-like-Code approach to deliver technical documentation in a static site powered by Hugo and hosted in GitLab Pages.

  • Dating services
    Integration of BlueSnap, Stripe, and Apple Pay payment processors with customer services. I created sequence diagrams and API documentation that helped developers to understand the flow of payment transactions for payment processors, including Stripe, BlueSnap, and Apple Pay.

Open Source

I contributed to the Open Source Initiative (OSI) at Wizeline by conducting the followings tasks:

  • Analyzed existing OSIs from third-party companies to define the OSI at Wizeline
  • Helped on the design of the OSI guidelines at Wizeline by defining and documenting the main contribution pathways: getting to know OS, using OS, contributing to OS, and creating a new OS project.
  • Supported the launching of the first open source project at Wizeline on the documentation side by creating the README files of the project’s repositories
  • Created a repository containing documentation and licenses that served as a template to generate new open source projects at Wizeline
  • Created a Kanban board to organize, prioritize and keep tracking of tasks on the documentation side. This strategy fostered the collaboration and contribution of a team of three TWs to the Open Source initiative


  • TW Academy at Wizeline (Spring 2022)

    • Lecturer of the session How to Write Software Architectures. I created and delivered the material for this session in a video format for on-demand studying.
    • Mentored two students
  • TW Academy at Wizeline (May 2021)
    Mentored one student. Some responsibilities included: review assignments, have weekly one-on-one sessions to provide training and best practices, assess the student’s cultural fit, and complete the student’s rubric.

  • TW Academy at Wizeline (March 2020)
    Lecturer of the session How to Write Software Architectures

Leadership Initiatives at Wizeline

  • I led a study group of 16 technical writers for three months to pursue the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification. Some activities included: define and organize study materials, coordinate study sessions, create questions that fostered discussions, and give demos.

  • I mentored three technical writers joining the TW team for six months. Some activities included: conduct peer reviews, support their career growth, identify opportunity areas and how to cope with them, and help them unblock any stoppers.

  • I led the TW onboarding squad for one year. Primary responsibilities included: send a welcome email to new technical writers along with a handful of useful resources to get onboarded, revamp the TW style guide assessment, and provide guidance to TW team leads on how to support their mentees.



  • Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering (2011-2016)
    Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering (2008-2010)
    Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN), Mexico

  • B.S. in Communications and Electronics Engineering (2002-2008)
    University of Guanajuato, Mexico

  • Student Exchange (Spring 2007)
    West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
    Courses: Digital Image Processing, Antennas, Information Theory, Neuromorphic Analog VLSI