
Your Simple Guide to Installing and Using ChatGPT Locally with Python

Mar 1, 2024
artificial intelligence, chatgpt, python

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. It serves many purposes in natural language processing, including language translation, chatbots, and story writing, among others. This guide describes how to set up ChatGPT locally and utilize it through the OpenAI API service on macOS operating systems. Additionally, it provides instructions for locally integrating ChatGPT with Python. Use ChatGPT Locally To set up ChatGPT locally using the terminal, follow these instructions: ...

Secret Ingredients Found in Kaggle Competitions from 2021 to 2023

Jan 23, 2024
competitions, kaggle, machine learning

In May 2023, Kaggle launched the AI Report competition. The aim was to summarize what the ML community has learned about working and experimenting with AI over the past two years. The competition considered seven pivotal categories: text data, image and video data, tabular and time series data, Kaggle competitions, Generative AI, ethics, and others. Overall, 220 teams and 279 competitors submitted their reports, and a panel of seven Kaggle Grandmasters reviewed them to select the best of them in each category. ...

Fundamentals of Dictionaries

May 17, 2023
python, data structures, development

Are you interested in learning about a more efficient way to store and access information than using a traditional list? Consider using dictionaries. A dictionary, also known as an associative array, map, hash, or hash map, is a data structure that represents objects as key-value pairs, making it easy to access information by knowing a key. For instance, suppose you want to create an inventory of your video games, including information like name, genre, platforms, and ratings. ...

Deploy Airbyte on a Microsoft Azure VM

Nov 1, 2022
azure, cloud, open source

Disclaimer: I created this document based on an open source contribution to Airbyte. Please refer to the source document at Deploy on Azure This page guides you through deploying Airbyte Open Source on a Microsoft Azure VM by setting up the deployment environment, installing and starting Airbyte, and connecting it to the VM. Note: The instructions have been tested on a standard DS1 v2 (1 vcpu, 3.5 GiB memory) Microsoft Azure VM with Ubuntu 18. ...

What Are Two Key Differences Between BigQuery and Redshift?

Dec 15, 2021
bigquery, data warehouses, redshift

Big Data. We often hear about this word but we aren’t quite sure how to define it. Literature says that having more than 1 TB of data can be considered as Big Data. After getting a mild idea of the concept, our next question would be: How can we manage such a large amount of data to find useful insights out of it? Well, one approach that can answer this lies in data warehousing. ...

How to Create Python Packages

Dec 14, 2021
python, packages

A Python package is a collection of modules. A module is the easiest way to import and reuse existing Python code that’s developed by other programmers. In simple terms, a package is a module, but not all modules are packages. So, the question that raises is: what differentiates a package from a module? The response lies in a file named, which indicates that the folder directory is a package. In this article, we’ll walk you through the main concepts and steps about how to create, install, publish, and test your own Python package locally and globally. ...

Julia Documentation Project

May 13, 2021
open source, season of docs

This is a sample document that illustrates how I audited, developed, and presented a proposal for the Julia Language project for the Google Season of Docs 2021 edition The Julia Language Proposal for Season of Docs 2021 I would like to express my interest in participating in the project named Create a Comprehensive Julia Contributing Guide that is taking part in the Google Season of Docs 2021. Currently, I am looking for opportunities to contribute and sum efforts to the open-source software (OSS) community. ...

Sympy Documentation Project

May 13, 2021
open source, season of docs

This is a sample document that illustrates how I audited, developed, and presented a proposal for the Sympy project for the Google Season of Docs 2021 edition SymPy Proposal for Season of Docs 2021 I want to express my interest in participating in the project named Documentation Organization - SymPy that is taking part in the Google Season of Docs 2021. Currently, I am looking for opportunities to contribute and sum up efforts to the open-source software (OSS) community. ...

Software Architecture Guide

Nov 23, 2020
architecture guide
aws, containers, microservices

The purpose of this guide is to describe the software architecture of the Betelgeuse application and its interaction with third-party applications. This document is useful to the developers and stakeholders of Orion who are implementing or updating new features for the Betelgeuse application. Introduction Betelgeuse is a serverless application hosted in the AWS cloud. Unlike the monolithic architecture of the previous Betelgeuse system, Betelgeuse is implemented as a containerized . ...

Deploying Betelgeuse App using Octopus

Nov 6, 2020
aws, octopus

This guide explains you how to manually deploy to the AWS Cloud any of the following Betelgeuse projects using Octopus deploy: Orion.Client Orion.Bellatrix Orion.Rigel Orion.Saiph Note: These projects are automatically deployed to the development and testing environments. Both environments share the same projects and versions. For the laboratory environment, some of these packages are deployed manually. The deployment process of Betelgeuse projects is detailed in the Architecture Guide. ...